Hellions.net - September 30, 2010 – Hellions Southwest Detachment ODA 163 recently attended the Call For Duty 2-day scenario event produced by Viper and hosted by Cousins Field in Forney, Texas. Hellions in attendance were: BioAndrews, Custar, Drunkenmaster, Flight, Payne, Spartacus, and Swampthing. Flight and Payne fielded ODA 163's tank, "The Gremiln".
The event went very well for the Hellions. The format was a common formula for a Viper scenario with game segments beginning at 1200 on Saturday and adjourning Saturday evening and then restarting at 0900 on Sunday with a final battle just after lunch. Flight and Payne did an outstanding job using the Gremlin to keep the Roughnecks' tank at bay and providing support to the infantry. The rest of the Hellions were spread out over the field acting in various leadership roles, keeping allied players moving in the right direction. By the end of the day Saturday, the OPFOR was run down so badly they only had a handful willing to play the night game.
Sunday was a similar affair. The Hellions used movement and radio communicaitons to reach objectives and complete missions quicker and more efficiently, which wore down the other side. By the end of the on-field game, most of the OPFOR was too exhausted or too dejected to remain on the field. Several of the final missions were virtually uncontetsted.
In the Final Battle, the BLUFOR scored all available points after an aggressive first move and employment of a well-coordinated defense of the ground taken. In the end, the Hellions were awareded the Most Valuable Team award.